Refresher Trainings

Franklin County Juvenile Court's Restorative Justice Circles program holds advanced training for all of our current Community Restorative Circles (CRC) volunteers. The Court's Restorative Justice program was created to address and prevent delinquent behavior by implementing the principles and practices of Restorative Justice through community-recommended interventions that promote youth accountability and responsibility. The program is a community-based, Court-operated diversion option designed to provide an alternative response from the juvenile justice system for youth charged with a misdemeanor offense.


The Next Restorative Justice Refresher Training Will Be Held on 9/14/24.

Click on the link below to register:

Restorative Justice Refresher Training Registration

Everyone who registers for this training must complete a Volunteer Application. Please contact Courtney Kellum, Restorative Justice Program Coordinator, to request your Volunteer Information Packet at 614-525-3130 or